Lahore CSS Academy
CEO’s Profile:
The CEO of Lahore CSS Academy is a law graduate and practicing lawyer. She is also an accomplished journalist, and represented Pakistan in Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony 2022. She had served in Government of Punjab for seven years when she resigned. Her faith in the youth of Pakistan became the foundation stone of Lahore CSS Academy.
CEO’s Message:
Sixty percent of Pakistan’s population is youth, so ours is a young country. Self-reliance and smart work can invite laurels; additionally, you are the power houses of energy that must be potentialized for your own growth and for the progress of Pakistan at that. Don’t be the sufferers of a system that has become a pool of stagnant water. Make a class of bureaucrats visualized by Mr. Jinnah when he said, “If you want to raise the prestige and greatness of Pakistan, you must not fall a victim to any pressure, but do your duty as servants to the people and the State, fearlessly and honestly.” Enthuse yourselves and assume the duties Pakistan has been waiting for since long.
Formation of a class of bureaucrats to revolutionalize the system
Education and training of youth systematically and comprehensively to qualify all competitive exams
Holistic Progress of Pakistan to benefit the citizens and to earn global recognition